Miglena Boncheva-Ivanova

1. Could you please introduce yourself briefly?
My name is Miglena Boncheva-Ivanova and I work in Huvepharma® marketing department / Bulgaria as a graphic designer.

2. Can you describe your professional carrier before Huvepharma®?
I worked in a couple of advertising agencies and my latest job was at Picklings Corporation - a digital and social marketing advertising agency. Before this, I worked for a few magazines - Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, etc.

3. When did you start to work in the company?
I have just started to work for Huvepharma®, in October 2022.

4. What do you like most about your job?
I like what graphic designers do, especially the creative part.

5. How would you describe the feeling to be part of the Huvepharma® team?
I feel as a part of a big family and at the right place, where I meet friendly people.

6. Which part of your character helps you while you are working in Huvepharma®?
I’m a positive person, I’m detail oriented in my job and looking for interesting solutions.

7. What are the approaches you take to make a difference in the sector?
I can apply my designer’s abilities and sense of harmony to make beautiful advertising materials.

8. Any happy moment in work life?
Celebrating my birthday :) and the team supper with my colleges

9. Who is an inspiring person for you?
Salvador Dali, Picasso, John Lennon, Madonna, Bono from U2, Lady Diana

10. What is the thing that you are most proud of and why?
I illustrated a children's book with riddles within 2 years. I’m also proud to be the mother of a little girl.

11. If you can remove one part of your charter what it will be?
I often look distracted!

12. If there is a movie based on your life what will be name or the genre?
Drama with funny moments.

13. Is there any song which describes you best?
“Little Man” from the Bulgarian band “Ostava”.

14. Do you have any hobbies?
I love to paint and to go to sport activities in group exercises, to travel and to explore nature.

15. Where do you like to spend your holidays?
Somewhere with my family or/and friends, irregardless of whether it is in the mountains, at the sea or in a beautiful country!

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